Our Services

‘Ask An Expert’ Meeting

Sometimes you just want to ask a couple of questions.  There is no meeting prep – the agenda is driven entirely by your questions and concerns. This allows for a flexible discussion where topics can range from budgeting and investment strategies to retirement planning and tax considerations. If deeper analysis or calculations are required, such as building spreadsheets or running software simulations, these tasks are completed in real-time during the meeting.

For this meeting, clients are encouraged to take their own notes, as no formal written summary or recommendations are provided afterward.

This format is particularly beneficial for clients looking to manage costs effectively or needing targeted advice on particular financial issues without committing to a longer, more structured engagement. It ensures that discussions remain focused on immediate concerns and questions, optimizing the use of time and resources during each session.

‘Full-Service’ Meeting

These meetings are structured to provide a robust assessment of your financial situation. While you control the agenda, we can begin with a review of your budget, cash flow, and balance sheet. During the meeting, we can discuss any areas of your financial situation that you choose, including your investment portfolio (review/rebalance with specific recommendations), retirement projections, tax planning and advice, insurance coverage review and recommendations, or estate planning. We will address and discuss any specific questions or issues you may have.

To ensure we make the most of our meeting, we ask clients to provide necessary documents in advance.  This helps us prepare thoroughly and make our time together as productive as possible.

After our meeting, you will receive a personalized action plan, including reports and analysis that can include retirement projections, portfolio analysis, and specific recommendations. This documented summary will outline the key points discussed and the action steps identified to help you achieve your goals.

This format is ideal for clients seeking a more robust engagement, benefiting from detailed recommendations and analysis. The cost is based on the actual time spent by our Certified Financial Planner® professional, covering meeting time, preparation, and follow-up work.


Comprehensive Financial Planning Project

For clients looking for a comprehensive financial plan or planning project, we offer initial project and plan updates:

Comprehensive financial planning addresses your entire financial situation ~ whether you are at a career crossroads, preparing for retirement, planning a major life event, or developing goals and a roadmap for your future.

Given the significance of this decision, we want you to feel completely comfortable with us. We start with a complimentary 1-hour meeting to discuss your goals, dreams, issues, and concerns. While we can assist with all areas of financial planning, you control the scope of your plan. Once we determine the areas to be included, we provide you with a proposal for your planning project. This is your plan—you can make changes, add, or remove information to ensure the project scope matches your exact needs.

Financial planning fees will vary based on your specific needs and the complexity of your situation. Comprehensive plans, which cover all aspects of your financial situation and include multiple scenarios, typically involve 10 to 25 hours of preparation, meetings, analysis, and recommendations by our team.

Once we mutually agree on the scope, the cost is set and will not be adjusted. If there is additional analysis or assistance outside of the scope needed, we offer this at our standard hourly rate of $400 per hour.




If you don’t know where you are going, how do you expect to get there?

Financial planning encompasses your full financial situation.  Sometimes you may just need a few key questions answered (that is what our hourly meetings are for) and other times you need ‘the works’ (a comprehensive financial plan) – maybe you are at a crossroads in your career, preparing for retirement, planning for a major life event or want to develop goals and a roadmap for your future.

Your financial planning engagement is customized to your needs and can include any of the following issues that may be important to you:


  • Budgeting and cash flow analysis
  • Savings and goal planning
  • Scenario analysis (moving to a larger home or remodeling, job transition/career change, planning for a new baby)
  • Financial goals planning (i.e., college funding, retirement saving, home purchase/sale/remodel)


  • Asset allocation, portfolio review and re-balancing
  • Customized, actionable investment advice (purchases/sales, trade instructions)
  • Account specific advice (i.e., rollovers, consolidation, Roth conversions)
  • Education planning and funding
  • Objective review of third-party investment managers


  • Life insurance needs analysis; amount and type of insurance
  • Disability and long-term care insurance recommendations
  • Current property and casualty insurance policy review (auto, homeowner’s, umbrella)


  • Tax projections
  • Tax implications of various financial decisions (i.e., home buying, option exercise, Roth conversions)


  • Income and cash flow needs
  • Goal planning and scenario analysis
  • How much to save; which accounts to fund
  • When to draw social security
  • Pensions (lump sum vs. income – which option to choose)
  • How to take distributions from your accounts strategically


  • Recommendations on estate planning documentation needed
  • Referral to qualified estate planning attorneys or online resources


  • Rental real estate
  • Stock option planning
  • Other projects as requested

Offering 100% virtual meetings. 

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Mailing address:

P.O. Box 319

Novato, CA 94948