Our Fees

Our fees are based on the TOTAL time involved in meeting with you, not only including the meeting time, but also researching and analyzing your current situation and/or investment portfolio, providing specific recommendations and implementation assistance (if needed) at a rate of $400 per hour.  All time spent on hourly clients is billable as we are actively working on your engagement.  *Note – we bill in 15-minute increments

‘Ask An Expert’ Hourly Meeting: (@ $400/hr.)
Sometimes you just want to ask a couple of questions. In these engagements, there is no preparation prior to the meeting nor any post-meeting written summary/recommendations. You can ask any questions, and if we need to build a spreadsheet or run analysis in our software, it all happens during the meeting. You take all the notes. This format works well for clients looking to control the cost of the engagement or who need very targeted advice. 

‘Full-Service’ Hourly Meeting: $800 to $1600 (@ $400/hr.)
These meetings include an assessment of your current financial health (budget/cash flow and balance sheet) with clients sending us the necessary statements, taxes, and documents to review in advance of the meeting. Full-service meetings include review and preparation for the meeting as well as a summary action plan with fine-tuned analysis reports, retirement projections and portfolio analysis with specific recommendations. This format works well for clients looking for a more robust engagement who can benefit from receiving specific recommendations, analysis and a documented meeting summary. The final cost will be based on the actual time spent by your CFP® professional.  ‘Full service’ hourly meetings include time spent on prep and follow up work required for your engagement.

For clients looking for a comprehensive financial plan or planning project, we offer initial project and plan updates:

Comprehensive Financial Planning Project: $4,000 to $7,000
Project financial planning fees will vary from client to client based on your situation’s specific needs and complexity. Comprehensive plans address all aspects of your financial situation where we run multiple scenarios and typically involve anywhere from 13 to 25 hours of prep, analysis, and consultations by our team.

Project clients receive a 1-hour free consultation that is an in-depth planning session to identify your goals, issues and to define the scope of your custom engagement.

Once we have mutually agreed on the scope of your engagement, your fee will be set and is not adjusted. If additional analyses or scenarios are requested after the final presentation, we are happy to accommodate them at our standard hourly rate. If you need implementation assistance (help executing trades, or moving accounts to different custodians, etc.) we are happy to assist and at our standard hourly rate ($400/hr.).

Plan Updates (recommended annually) ~ $800 – $2500

We want to help our project clients keep their plan updated so they are on track with their goals and account for changes in their situations.  For project clients, we send you an Update Questionnaire based on the information you provided to us when we created your financial plan (or based on your last update).  You complete and return to us along with any documents relevant for our meeting (tax returns, paystubs, social security estimates, investment statements, etc.).  We update your financial plan your revised information and then schedule a ‘tune up’ meeting.  In that meeting we will review your updated plan, run scenarios and provide updated recommendations on your current financial situation.  We will also update your portfolio and do an in-depth review, analysis and rebalance.

We do this work on an hourly basis at our rate of $400/hr. (billed in 15-minute increments).  Plan updates normally take between 2-6 hours, depending on the complexity of your update, and includes prep and follow up work, as well as our meeting time and any follow-up reports/analysis we complete.  



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Mailing address:

P.O. Box 319

Novato, CA 94948